News for xbox 720 release date "Preview"

xbox 720

By now most of our readers would have heard the recent Xbox 720 rumors, which some console owners see as crazy, considering an unveil of the next Xbox this year could mean a release date somewhere in 2013. There are other issues that confuse gamers, and these concern upcoming titles launching in the next year.

Seasoned gamers know about the transition period between systems, and this happened when the first generation Xbox users moved over to the 360. The same can be said for the PS2 and PS3, there is always a transition period between generations. Worry and confusion is the theme we’ve seen when it comes to Grand Theft Auto V and Halo 4, especially considering the latest E3 2012 rumors.

We’ve already looked at the idea of Microsoft keeping ahead of Sony like they did last generation, and this would mean the Xbox 720 needs an unveil at CES or E3, and then a launch next year if they wish to beat the PS4 to launch. So in our opinion, Microsoft would do the right thing to reveal details this year, although we’d expect that to be more information and not real hardware on display, unless it’s a really early design.

Would you like to see the PS4 and Xbox 720 show their face at E3 2012? It’s true that E3 is the better platform to launch a new generation of games system. Sony are not going to want Microsoft getting the jump on them, and could be forced to reveal some details of their next-gen system, although we hope neither console is rushed, as Microsoft learned a big lesson with this before (RROD).

This blog has looked at Halo 4, and wonder if the game will be a multi platform release considering the transition period from 360 to 720 (codename) could be around the Halo 4 launch. If the next Xbox releases in 2013, what are your expectations for Halo 4?

Back in July Ubisoft’s Guillemot looked at the Wii U releasing before Sony and Microsoft’s next-gen systems, and he feels that this will make the competitors bring their launches ahead of schedule. In the interview he also talks about the new transition for all next-generation consoles, and that it’s coming “soon”. Read more from Guillemot in this article.

Another game that has users wondering is Uncharted 4, and while the last release was not long ago, now that we’re likely to see a new generation some people wonder if we could see Uncharted 4 on PS4, or maybe not even see that game continue?

The Xbox 720 and PS4 transition period will causes a few issues with certain franchises, although we’re sure these developers are already working closely with Microsoft and Sony. Forget about getting too much information from them, as they will be under NDA


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