why does New Directions always get to sing more songs than everyone else?

Wow. That's all I can say about the winter finale of'Glee.'
Let me begin by giving a small PSA: if you're going through something–no matter what it is–you are not alone. Help is available. If you need someone to talk to, please visit TheTrevorProject.org or call 1-866-488-7386 or visit TheTrevorProject.org.

In this week's episode, our glee club kids faced some pretty serious issues: cyber bullying, suicide, and marriage. We open the episode with Sebastian threatening to expose Finn's um...little Finn, thanks to Photoshop...if Rachel performs during regionals. Obviously, the kids are upset they're being blackmailed.

Blaine, however, wants to focus on winning. The theme for regionals is "inspiration," so Blaine launches into "Cough Syrup"...as Dave Karofsky attempts suicide because of both real-life and cyber bullying since he's come out. Thankfully, his dad finds him in enough time and he survives. But the situation gives everyone–New Directions and the Warblers alike–a new perspective, so much so that Sebastian suggests they all (Rachel included) dedicate their performances to Karofsky and raise money for Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation.

Naturally, the God Squad convenes to pray for Karofsky and his family. Later, Mr. Schu shares the storuy of the time he thought about committing suicide after cheating on a math midterm. He asks the kids to think of moments they're looking forward to and imagine the amazing experiences ahead of them.

And they share some pretty noble thoughts. Sam wants to buy his parents a house and Blaine wants to see marriage equality in all 50 states. Amen! Rachel wants to remain friends with everyone, while Rory just wants to win regionals.

Well, wishes do come true. After the Warblers bust out some boy band moves and this all-girl school (the Golden Goblets) sing a hymn, New Directions comes out with not one, not two, but three songs. First up is a mashup of Nicki Minaj and Rihanna's pseudo rap ballad "Fly" with R. Kelly's "I Believe I Can Fly." It's pretty cool.

Up next are the Troubletones with Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger." Yay, girl power! And then we round out the evening with Rachel singing "Here's to Us" and channeling Idina Menzel. The rest of New Directions joins in and...they win. But you already saw that coming, right? Of course you did.

After watching New Directions perform at regionals, Sue has a change of heart and tells Mr. Schu she wants to help them win nationals. Oh...did we mention she's preggers? Must be the hormones. She even allows Quinn to rejoin the Cheerios after confessing she admires Quinn for all the ways she's not like her.

Rachel and Finn also decide to get married at the justice of the peace following their win at regionals. Their parents are still very much against it and Jeff Goldblum even offers to fake an epileptic seizure in order to stop the ceremony. Things are about to get underway, but Rachel doesn't want to start with Quinn, one of her bridesmaids. But...the last scene we see is Quinn driving to the court, texting and presumably getting into a pretty serious car accident.

And we'll have to wait until April 10 to find out what happens. So long, fellow gleeks!


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